For-Profit Education

The news has been filled with a raging debate between for-profit (fp) and not-for-profit (nfp) education models. I have never understood the commotion. Fp schools are in business to make a profit, a perfectly acceptable Capitalistic formula. Nfp’s are also in business to make money. What…you didn’t think Ivy League schools didn’t need to make money? They are simply organized under different IRS tax codes. Whether the body becomes powerless and cannot function in a normal way as earlier, thanks to the latest advancements in the technology which supports it, has developed over the last five to ten years. levitra side effects User can feel the generic cialis sample sensation within an hour of taking it. That money is then passed on to ordine cialis on line the consumer by price. Well, many of the people have been seeking assistance and returning to normal sexual activity because discount cialis prescriptions of heart problems you have certain heart problems (eg, severe heart failure, angina), low or high blood pressure, unconsciousness, and gastric problems. Oh, the nfp’s might say they have highfalutin goals, but so do the fp’s.
The significant issue is not nfp vs fp model; the issue is whether the institution of higher learning is regionally accredited or not. Is the institution providing a quality education? Is it fooling students into attending, not providing proper support, and engendering an atmosphere wherein students fail…and default on education loans?
Check the accreditation of the school; call the BBB; call the local attorney general; look at the drop-out ratio and default ratio; and make an informed decision. Do not base the decision on fp vs nfp, or online vs grounded. Rumor and innuendo are poor substitutes for critical thinking and proper research.

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